Kennedy is very ready to walk! Here she is walking behind her scooter.
Just a few updates....
Kennedy loves to read! We always read right before bed, but I think she would forgo any toy for a book..maybe not a baby, but she loves books! As you can see she is quite proud of herself! We will work on the upside thing. :)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
9 Month pictures. I couldn't stand it! I add to get her a tutu. I know it is completely over the top, but whatever!!!!! :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Kennedy has decided after only a couple of weeks of crawling that she needs to be walking. Thankfully she hasn't taken any steps on her own yet, but she can stand on her own for quite awhile and with help walks forward. She takes one normal step with her right leg and one large step with her left. She looks like she is climbing up a stair with her left leg, but it is just a regular step. She is quite funny. She has also decided that a ride in the laundry basket is alot more fun than crawling. Silly girl!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
OOH the washing machine! As most of you already know, the Compton family has relocated to an apartment (apt) until our house is complete. We are moving right along with the new place. They are doing the trim work now and have already painted most of the inside. At the apt we have a stack washer/dryer and Kennedy loves it. She seems to think it is very magical! There are a couple of pictures of the new place. As you can see they still need to put up the stone on the front of the house, but we are excited to say there is actually a lock now on all doors. Yippee! We hope to be moving in the weekend of Labor Day, but we will see. Pray for us! Apt life is not what is use to be; particularly when you are the only ones who have a family. :) For moving purposes I am glad we are on the bottom level, for sleeping purposes I am sad. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Brusha, brusha, brusha....
Kennedy got a toothbrush last week and seems to kindof like it. She now has 2 teeth and it is never too early to adopt good brushing habits. I know aunty amanda stehlik would be very proud!