Nana got Kennedy a lawn mower that blows bubbles. While Kennedy loves bubbles, she also likes to "move" the lawn, as she says. Anyhow, here are a few of her mowing the lawn with Daddy.
Kennedy brought me flowers for mother's day. I'm not sure why but it sounds like Happy Farmer's Day when she says Happy Mother's Day. I guess farmers should have a day too!
We took Kennedy to the circus, again. We must be crazy, but it is what she prays for every night. Really, "Jesus, thank you for the circus." C'mon you would take her too! :)
A very excited Daddy that was suckered into a bunch of snacks! :) A cotton candy cutie!
A very happy momma and a boy who thinks he is going to eat! :)
The wonderful circus!
A very happy little girl!
Carter is really enjoying his food these days. Since moving past the texture issue, I am happy to report that he has liked everything I have put in front of him.
Here are some very scary monster. I don't know why but Kennedy always wants to make scary faces when she takes pictures. Although judging by my face, you would think I like it just as much!