So....Kennedy has been going to camp the last 2 weeks. Today she tells me that there is a new girl in her group. I ask Kennedy what the little girl's name is and she says, Shelter. I question that and she says, "No mom. It is Shel-ter. Say it with me, Shel (here is where I am to repeat shel) and ter (again I repeat after Kennedy)" I look at here with a questioning look and say, "could her name be Michelle?" And Kennedy says, "oh, yes. that is it." I try not to make her feel stupid although I am shaking my head and Kennedy says, "Can you imagine if her name was In-Shell. Get it mom? In-Shell." Kennedy starts laughing so hard I thought she was going to cry. I am laughing because she is laughing and Kennedy says, "Isn't that hysterical?!"
Carter has learned the crazy sign. I taught him to do it today. Make several circles beside your head and point to Daddy. It was going to be great! Instead he makes a circle around his face and points to me.
This is all just at lunch. What a day!!!